Blue Meanie Mushrooms


  • Micro: 0.25 gram
  • Low: 0.25 – 1 gram
  • Medium: 1 – 2 gram
  • Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram
  • Heavy: 5 grams and upwards


The Psilocybe cubensis species is assumed to have been the source of the Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms strain in Southeastern Australia. Its name comes from the blue bruising that obviously develops wherever the body is struck. Medium to large fruiting bodies with thick, dense stalks and a golden caramel to tan, frequently white-speckled top are some of its distinguishing aesthetic features. Panneolus cyanscens is also “blue meanie” in common usage (a different mushroom species).

Basically, Psilocybe cubensis’s Blue Meanie Magic Mushroom kind is a powerful one. Another strain known as Psilocybe Cyanescens (P. Cyans), which is 2 times more strong than any other P. Cubensis strain, is also referred to as Blue Meanie. To avoid confusion, our Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms are of the P. Cubensis variety.

An unidentified spore distributor from back in the day chose the moniker Blue Meanie P. Cubensis to honor the original Blue Meanie P. Cyans for this potent strain. This mushroom produces an abundance of fruit, frequently developing many flushes, and readily bruising (blueing) at the site of physical contact. In comparison to other magic mushrooms strain, expect an intensity that is above normal.

To avoid confusion, Pure Delic’s mushroom is a P. Cubensis species. Meanwhile, this psilocybin mushroom is the strongest we have. If you are taking psilocybin for the first time, we do not recommend ingesting this strain of mushroom. In comparison to other P. cubensis strains, Blue Meanie cubensis Mushrooms are more potent.

Blue Meanie Effect

The total Blue Meanie Magic Mushroom experience lasts 4 to 8 hours, with typical peaking frequency. They generally produce a strong psychoactive high and extreme euphoria. High levels of euphoria, acute auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as a strong body buzz, are all reported by users.

Dosage Guide

  • Micro: 0.25 gram
  • Low: 0.25 – 1 gram
  • Medium: 1 – 2 gram
  • Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram
  • Heavy: 5 grams and upwards



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